perjantai 15. heinäkuuta 2011

Summer Party

We hosted a garden party this week to celebrate summer and a birthday. The weather turned out perfectly and dozens of our friends & neighbours joined us. Adults were entertained with food and drinks, and kids had a blast with a bouncy castle, arts & crafts station, games, face painting, and an ice cream sundae bar!

I picked red and white for the party theme colours. All the guests received a red and white lei once they arrived to the party. I also decorated with red and white pom pom's - I tried making these for the first time and was surprised how much time and work it requires - it looks a lot easier than it actually is!

Kids had their own little side-party with an activity coordinator and lots of fun things to do. Parents were able to relax and enjoy so much more while the kids were kept busy!

Adults were quite excited about the welcome drinking game "The Strings of Doom". Our friend Alex came up with it... The game is actually as thrilling as it sounds - pulling a random string will lift up a bottle that is attached to it in the other end.. and you will pour a shot of the selected booze!

We also had an ice cream sundae bar and with a variety of sauces, sprinkles, whipping cream and cocktail umbrellas.

Food composed of bbq meats and sausages, as well as sides and salads. There were washed down with delicious home-made lemonade!

Sweets and cake were served in party theme colours ofcourse.

Big and manly cake candle for the birthday boy!

torstai 7. heinäkuuta 2011

Summer picnic Baby Shower with sweet Teddy Bears

For our summery Teddy Bear -themed baby shower we surprised our friend and transported her to the most wonderful venue in Lauttasaari (central Helsinki area) with her eyes tied. The place was a beautiful sauna by the sea with gorgeous sceneries, rocky beaches and picnic tables just awaiting us to fill them with colourful summer picnic foods.

Surprise! We have arrived! The place was gorgeous.

Picnic was set and ready to go.

Teddy Bear themed Baby Shower dessert table

For the baby shower I created a purple, lavander and yellow dessert table with a romantic Teddy Bear theme. This theme was chosen as a continuation for a bachelorette party that we had earlier this year thrown to the mother-to-be. Luckily for her this time we did not ask her to dress herself into a bear costume and perform teddy bear poems. Instead she was able nibble on gourmand cakes, cookies and cupcakes with a teddy bear flair...

White chocolate ducks...

Leikkejä, lahjoja, saunontaa...

Illan vietto Poliisien kesäkodin rantasaunassa on ollut pitkään haavelistallani, ja hyvän tekosyyn (eli vauvajuhlien) varjolla päätin vihdoinkin vuokrata tilan. Tätä päätöstä en tule katumaan koskaan, oivallisempaa paikkaa ei voisi kuvitella rauhalliseen tyttöjen iltaan. Puusauna sihisi ja tuoksui, tilat olivat miellyttävät ja käytännölliset, talo ja sen ympärystä kovin söpöjä. Kallioinen ranta oli aivan ihana ja laiturin päästä pääsi pulikoimaan kesän lämmittämään veteen (+19 astetta)

Tässä vielä kertaalleen kuva piknik pöydästä ja takana kohoavasta tilavasta rantasaunasta. Pihalla oli mahdollisuus mm. tikanheittoon.

Mitä olisi babyshower ilman aiheeseen kuuluvia leikkejä. Näissä kuvissa tunnustellaan ja arvuutellaan sokkona erilaisia vauvatavaroita. Tämän lisäksi veikkailimme yhdessä tulevan äidin vatsanympärysmittaa ja listasimme kolmessa minuutissa niin monta vauvatavaraa kuin mieleen suinkin juolahti.

Mikä kumma tämä mahtaisi olla?

Pukuhuoneessa odotti tietysti vaippakakku-yllätys. Eräs tehtävistä oli yrittää arvata kuinka monta vaippaa kakkuun oli piilotettu. (Oikea vastaus = 51)

Saunan puolella odottelivat pullot ja purnukat, jalkahoitotarvikkeet ja tietysti kumiankka.

Onnea tulevalle äidille!